Call for Abstracts
Submissions of abstracts (not exceeding 500 words) are invited for oral and poster presentation. We welcome submissions of conceptual/theoretical and empirical work from a wide range of disciplines, including philosophy, neuroscience, psychology, cognitive science, medical science, biology, robotics, as well as other relevant fields.
The (extended) deadline for abstract submission is August 20, 2017. Authors will receive an email confirming the receipt of their submission generally within a day or two of completing this form. Notification regarding acceptance will be emailed to authors by August 31, 2017. Please direct all questions, comments, and concerns to Ying-Tung Lin at [email protected].
The (extended) deadline for abstract submission is August 20, 2017. Authors will receive an email confirming the receipt of their submission generally within a day or two of completing this form. Notification regarding acceptance will be emailed to authors by August 31, 2017. Please direct all questions, comments, and concerns to Ying-Tung Lin at [email protected].